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Affiliate Council The Affiliate Council meets throughout the year giving Affiliate members a voice with NCCBOR leadership in regards to programs, policies and other opportunities afforded to Affiliate members in good standing. Council members create events and opportunities to market goods and services to our REALTOR® members. Affiliate Council attendees often discuss real estate related issues that could impact their industry as well as issues that could impact REALTORS® and their clients.

Awards The Awards Committee consists of five past recipients of the REALTOR® of the Year Award (ROTY). They are charged with selecting deserving recipients in each awards category. Meets up to 2 times a year. As per policy, the previous year’s ROTY serves as Chairperson. Meetings are scheduled to meet By-Law membership notification requirements (Article XII Sec.5).

Executive Committee The Executive Committee consists of 6 members (Chair – President, Vice-Chair – Presidentelect. Members: Vice President, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, one Presidential Appointment and the Chief Executive Officer- ex officio (CEO). This Committee reviews issues that have not been addressed by an active Board committee or task force which may need to be referred to the Board of Directors and reviews the upcoming Board of Directors (BOD) agenda for additions, deletions or changes. This committee is responsible for performance reviews of the CEO and setting annual bonuses. Currently meets minimally 6 times a year.

Finance and Budget Committee The Finance and Budget Committee reviews and recommends the annual budget to the BOD, reviews the financial policies of the Board, monitors expenses and makes financial recommendations to the BOD. Currently meets up to 6 times a year

● Grievance Committee The Grievance Committee consists of active REALTOR® members. It reviews ethics and arbitration complaints to determine if it should go to a hearing. Members appointed by President and approved by BOD. This committee meets monthly unless otherwise noted.

Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee is comprised of the President, President-elect, First Vice President, the Immediate Past President and the three (3) REALTOR® members appointed by the President. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President. The Nominating Committee shall select one or more candidates for each office and one or more candidates for each REALTOR® Director position to be filled on the NCCBOR BOD. Meetings are scheduled to meet By-Law membership notification requirements (Article XII Sec.5). The Nominating Committee will make recommendations to the BOD on all other nominations made by NCCBOR

Professional Standards Committee The Professional Standards Committee consists of up to 40 REALTOR® members. The committee members serve as eligible pool of candidates for hearing panels to review ethics and arbitration complaints forwarded by the Grievance Committee. They determine if a violation has occurred and the infraction of penalty if any. Meets in group a minimum of once a year as required for training

Public Policy Committee The Public Policy Committee is the watchdog on political and fair housing issues facing the real estate community, with priority on the local level. It interacts with area legislators, other government officials and the business community on projects of mutual interest and benefit. The Committee also raises and makes recommendations on distribution of funds for issues immobilization and candidates for political office in conjunction with the Delaware Association of REALTORS® Political Involvement Fund. This committee keeps abreast of and promotes fair housing issues on the national, state and local levels, and communicates significant activity to the membership through education programs and publications. Meets throughout the year.

Task Force Meets As Needed – (Task Forces, Presidential Advisory Group (PAG) and ad hoc’s) These groups are formed to address short term issues or topics; appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.

NCCBOR RPAC The NCCBOR RPAC Trustees will engage in political fundraising activities to enhance the legislative and regulatory climate for the real estate industry. The Trustees will directly support candidates from county and municipal levels of New Castle County government that support a fair minded approach for the future development of the real estate industry. The Trustees will be a catalyst for member political action participation. Reviewed by Executive Committee 08/2016